Reported by Sandra Ainebyoona

The High Court Judge in Kampala has sentenced three women to spend three months in prison for conspiring to obstruct justice in court. She ordered their immediate arrest and imprisonment for conspiring to obstruct justice in an ongoing aggravated defilement case.

Hon. Lady Justice Margaret Mutonyi made the order after one of the women known as Nakayima Sarah a 28-year-old, who claims to be the mother to the victim asked her to release the accused in the case, a one Kimbungwe stating that he is not the one who defiled her daughter.

Nakayima who had appeared to testify in the ongoing case informed the court that her 16-year-old daughter was defiled by her father a one Ssendi. Nakayima Sarah also noted that she gave birth to her daughter at the age of twelve after being defiled by the same man Ssendi. The alleged mother stated that she reported the matter to the police but she was not helped in any way and that she later found out that someone else had been arrested instead of Ssendi. When the Judge asked the alleged mother what she wishes the court to help her with, she replied that the court should release Kimbugwe one of the suspects in the said matter.

Justice Mutonyi was however infuriated by the revelation that Nakayima Sarah had been brought to court by Kimbugwe’s relatives to secure his release. The judge confronted the alleged mother of the victim as well as the relatives of Kimbugwe for obstructing justice. She noted that Sarah Nakayima might not be the mother of the victim based on her conduct in court throughout.

The Judge directed the state to investigate her and the other two women that had brought her in order to establish their involvement in the case. The three women were sentenced to three months in prison for conspiring to obstruct justice in court.

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