Uganda’s Judiciary Welcomes New Judicial Officers

By Kerry Howard Mwesigwa.

On 31st May the newly appointed judicial officers took oath at the Judiciary Headquarters in Kampala, Uganda. Deputy Chief Justice Richard Buteera presided over the ceremony, which gathered esteemed legal figures including the Principal Judge Dr Flavian Zeija, Chief Registrar HW Sarah Langa Siu, and the Under Secretary Ms Maureen Kasande. This significant occasion symbolized the judiciary’s commitment to fortify its ranks and enhance the administration of justice.

Among the appointments were 14 Deputy Registrars, 8 Assistant Registrars, and 20 Chief Magistrates, each serving in an acting capacity for one year. This development aligns with the Judicial Service Commission’s mandate as outlined in Article 148A of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda.

The newly appointed judicial officers bring a wealth of expertise and experience, ensuring a diverse representation of legal knowledge within the judiciary. Notable individuals among the deputy registrars include Agnes Alum, Samuel Olumo, Francis Dawa Matenga, and Faisal Umar Mulalira, who have garnered acclaim for their exceptional legal acumen and dedication to upholding justice.

In addition, the judiciary has appointed assistant registrars such as Hood Matovu and Ketty Joan Acaa, who possess exceptional skills and unwavering commitment to their roles. Their organizational abilities and attention to detail will contribute to streamlining judicial processes and ensuring the smooth functioning of the judiciary.

Furthermore, the appointment of 20 Chief Magistrates marks a significant step towards establishing a robust judicial system capable of promptly delivering justice. Esteemed individuals entrusted with this responsibility include Agnes Shelagh Nantaawo, Oliver Nantamu, Emmanuel Bamwiite, and George Kunihira. Their profound understanding of the law and strong sense of duty will guide them in their pursuit of justice for all individuals who seek redress before them.

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