Uganda’s Criminal Justice System Unites to Combat Health Challenges

Kerry Howard Mwesigwa.

In a groundbreaking effort to address health challenges within the Criminal Justice System, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) convened a high-level meeting at Hotel Africana. Diverse stakeholders, including the Judiciary, Uganda Prisons Service, Uganda Police Force, and Civil Society Organizations, gathered to discuss a rights-based approach to prevent the spread of HIV, AIDS, TB, and Malaria.

Justice Jane Frances ABODO, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), highlighted the progress made since the launch of the Global Fund Project in 2021. Sensitization programs have reached 360 officers from different branches of the Criminal Justice System, aiming to remove barriers hindering access to essential health services. Collaboration among the ODPP, Uganda Police Force, Judiciary, and Uganda Prisons Service led to the formulation of user policies, providing clear guidelines for managing health-related issues within the Criminal Justice institutions.

Of particular significance is the establishment of 16 consent-screening stations for health services in the Kampala Metropolitan area. This critical screening process ensures individuals within these stations receive vital health screenings, enabling early detection and timely treatment, safeguarding all within the Criminal Justice System from the entry point at the Uganda Police Force.

Ms. Ayebare Proscovia, the Project Coordinator, underscored the dire need to protect the rights and health of suspects and victims within the Criminal Justice System.

Distinguished panelists, including Hon. Justice Mutonyi Margaret, Mr. Elem Ogwal Charles, and Mr. Mukiibi Paul, stressed the importance of screening suspects at Police stations and in prisons, especially in cases of aggravated defilement. They highlighted the significance of ascertaining whether suspects were aware of their HIV+ status during the commission of crimes and advocated for the disclosure of the medical status of accused persons to mitigate the spread of these diseases.

The meeting, concluded by Justice Vincent Wagona, emphasized the collective effort in the administration of criminal justice, considering the interests of both accused persons and victims. All stakeholders in the criminal justice system play a critical role in achieving this common goal.

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