Uganda Law Society’s Annual Law Conference: Courts to adjourn cases

Kampala, Uganda.

The Uganda Law Society is gearing up to host its 6th Annual Law Conference from August 24th to 25th, 2023, at the prestigious Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort. The much-anticipated event promises to be a gathering of legal minds from across the country, but it also presents a unique challenge for the judiciary in ensuring smooth legal proceedings.

To address this challenge, the Honorable Chief Justice has granted permission for all courts in Uganda to adjourn matters involving advocates on the specified dates. This temporary adjournment will enable legal practitioners to actively participate in the enriching conference sessions and discussions.

A Circular to All Courts has been issued by the Chambers of the Chief Registrar, Sarah Langa Siu, conveying the Honorable Chief Justice’s approval for the designated adjournment. During the two working days, courts will prioritize cases where advocates’ participation is not required, ensuring that justice continues to be served seamlessly.

The Annual Law Conference holds immense significance in the legal fraternity, providing a platform for lawyers, judges, and legal professionals to engage in robust dialogues, share expertise, and deepen their understanding of crucial legal issues. By allowing adjournments for cases involving advocates, the judiciary demonstrates its commitment to fostering an environment where legal practitioners can actively contribute to their professional development.

While the conference offers an unparalleled opportunity for legal enrichment, the Honorable Chief Justice’s directive ensures that the wheels of justice keep turning for cases unaffected by the absence of advocates. The cause lists for the specified dates will be appropriately adjusted to maintain the smooth functioning of the courts.

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