Uganda Boxing Federation President Behind Bars

Moses Muhangi, the president of the Uganda Boxing Federation (UBF), has been remanded to Luzira Prison after being charged with forgery and uttering a false document. The court denied his bail request and sent him to Luzira prisons. Muhangi, a prominent businessman residing in Kololo, Kampala District, appeared before Chief Magistrate Ritah Neumbe Kidasa at the Nakawa Court. He faces charges related to the forgery of accountability receipts and the presentation of a false document. Muhangi, along with Lydia Namutebi, the former accountant of the Boxing Federation, allegedly forged a receipt issued by a company called Tents 4 U.

Muhangi’s remand follows a period of heightened tensions between various sports federations and the National Council of Sports (NCS). Muhangi, along with other federation leaders, have voiced concerns about the NCS’s funding practices, alleging unfair treatment. He claimed that in 2019, his federation received a mere 45 million shillings for Olympic qualifiers but was later asked to account for a staggering sum of 600 million shillings. These ongoing confrontations have resulted in accusations and counter-accusations between the NCS and sports federations regarding financial accountability.

Muhangi’s bail application hearing is scheduled for May 31, and his legal team, led by Phillip Munaabi, is determined to expedite the process and provide compelling evidence in support of their client. In a plea directed at Minister of Education and Sports Janet Kataha Museveni and President Yoweri Museveni, Muhangi has requested their intervention to address the issues affecting the sports sector. He emphasized the importance of their involvement in ensuring justice for the boxers under his representation.

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