Two men face charges for possession of endangered Pangolin without license in Uganda

By Sandra Ainebyoona

Two men were on 10th May 2023 brought before Her Worship Kamasanyu Gladys at the Buganda Road Wildlife Court for the possession of a live Pangolin without a license. Opira Geoffrey, a 28-year-old peasant farmer from Lamor district, and Okiti Isaac, a 20-year-old boda boda cyclist also from Lamor district, were found in possession of the Pangolin on 15th February 2023 in Palabe village. 

The importance of enforcing wildlife protection laws and the need to address the issue of wildlife trafficking in Uganda cannot be overstated. The Pangolin is one of the most trafficked mammals in the world, and its populations have been declining due to illegal poaching and trafficking.

The possession of Pangolins in Uganda is regulated by the Uganda Wildlife Act of 2019. Offenders convicted of crimes related to wildlife species classified as extinct in the wild or critically endangered face the highest penalty under this act, which includes a fine of up to UGX Shs20-billion or life imprisonment, or both. Despite these stiff penalties, Pangolin trafficking offenses continue to increase in Uganda. The case was adjourned to 16th May 2023.

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