Trial of State Minister Amos Lugoloobi fails to take off.

Minister Lugoloobi in the dock at the Anti-Corruption Court on 17th April 2023

October 16, 2023.

KAMPALA, Uganda | The highly-anticipated trial of Planning State Minister Amos Lugoloobi, accused of diverting iron sheets meant for the Karamoja region, has faced a significant setback as the state cited unpreparedness. The case, which was scheduled for today, failed to proceed, leaving many in anticipation of the unfolding legal proceedings.

Appearing before Justice Margaret Tibulya of the Anti-Corruption Court in Kampala, the state expressed its un-readiness to proceed with the case, citing the need for certain documents before prosecution could begin. Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions, Josephine Namatovu, conveyed the state’s position, although the nature of these essential documents remained undisclosed. Consequently, the court acceded to the state’s request, rescheduling the hearing for October 25 and 26, 2023.

In preparation for the upcoming proceedings, both the defense and prosecution agreed to present seven witnesses during the two days of the hearing. However, concerns arose regarding the state’s alleged denial of full disclosure of witnesses and documents for the trial. To address these concerns, it was agreed that, before the new hearing date, the state would provide the defense with the documents it intends to rely on while prosecuting Amos Lugoloobi.

The prosecution alleges that Amos Lugoloobi dealt with government property, specifically 400 pre-painted iron sheets marked “Office of the Prime Minister,” between July 14, 2022, and February 28, 2023. It is claimed that he knew the iron sheets were government property. If convicted, Lugoloobi could face a maximum sentence of seven years imprisonment on the count of dealing with suspect property, as stipulated by Section 21(a) of the Anti-Corruption Act.

On a second count of dealing with suspect property, the prosecution alleges that Lugoloobi handled 300 pre-painted iron sheets marked “Office of the Prime Minister” between February 1, 2023, and March 16, 2023, having reason to believe they were acquired as a result of public loss of property. The trial asserts that Lugoloobi received 600 iron sheets in two equal batches, with the first consignment delivered on July 15, 2022, under voucher number 8058, and signed for by his assistant, John Allan Damulira.

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