Seven Terrorists Admit to Killing Former Police Boss Kirumira


Kerry Howard Mwesigwa.

KAMPALA, November 03, 2023| Seven men who were accused of being part of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) rebel group confessed to their involvement in the assassination of former Buyende District Police Commander Muhammad Kirumira and his female friend Resty Nalinya in 2018. The seven men pleaded guilty to terrorism charges before the International Crimes Division of the High Court (ICD) in Kampala.

The seven men are Juma Swabalu Sekiti, alias Mayuge, Jamil Muwonge, alias Jama Moses, Ibrahim Kavuma, Daniel Kaaya, alias Shafic alias fifty cent, Luutu Kimuli, alias Mabira, Uthman Mugoya, alias Ibrahim Nawanzu and Ibrahim Kavuma. They appeared before Justice Susan Okalany, who presided over the case.

According to the prosecution, the seven men were part of a larger group of ADF rebels who planned and executed the murder of Kirumira and Nalinya on September 8, 2018, in Bulenga, Wakiso District. The prosecution said that the rebels used motorcycles and guns to ambush Kirumira’s car as he was driving home with Nalinya, who was a mobile money agent. The prosecution said that the rebels shot Kirumira and Nalinya several times, killing them instantly.

The prosecution also said that the rebels were acting on the orders of ADF leader Jamil Mukulu, who is currently facing trial at the same court for various crimes, including terrorism, murder, and treason. The prosecution said that Mukulu wanted to eliminate Kirumira because he was a vocal critic of the ADF and had exposed their activities in Uganda.

The prosecution presented several pieces of evidence to support their case, including phone records, CCTV footage, ballistic reports, and confessions from some of the suspects. The prosecution also presented witnesses who testified against the suspects, including police officers, forensic experts, and civilians.

The seven men surprised the court when they changed their plea from not guilty to guilty. They said that they were remorseful for their actions and asked for forgiveness from the families of the victims and the nation. They also said that they were misled by Mukulu and his associates to join the ADF and carry out the attack.

Justice Okalany accepted their plea and convicted them of terrorism, which carries a maximum sentence of death. She said that she would consider their mitigation factors before passing the final sentence on November 15, 2023. She also ordered that the other suspects who are still at large be arrested and brought to justice.

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