Minister Lugoloobi in the dock at the Anti-Corruption Court on 17th April 2023

Reported by Sandra Ainebyoona

The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development also the Member of Parliament for Ntenjeru North constituency, Hon. Lugolobi Amos arrived has been remanded to Luzira government prisons after the Anti-Corruption Court adjourned the case to 20th April 2023.

Division today April 17th 2023 amidst the iron sheet saga. The matter was appearing for plea taking.

The Minster was arraigned in court on charges of dealing with suspect property contrary to Section 21 (a) of the Anti-Corruption Act as amended. The Prosecution alleges that Lugolobi Amos, between 14th July 2022 and 28th February 2023 at the Office of the Prime Minister’s stores Namanve in Mukono district and other different places in Matugga, Wakiso district, dealt with government property to reach 400 pre-painted iron sheets marked with the OPM with reason to believe that the said iron sheets were acquired as a result of loss of public property. The Prosecution further alleges that between 1st February 2023, and 16th day of March 2023 at the OPM stores Namanve in Mukono District and other different places of Matugga as well as Ntenjeru, Lugolobi dealt with suspect property to wit 300 pre-painted iron sheets marked with the Office of the Prime Minister with the reason to believe that the said were acquired as a result of loss of public property. The minister pleaded not guilty to all the charges.

The State led by Stanley Moses and Jonathan Muwaganya prayed that the court grants them an adjournment for them to finish their inquiries concerning the matter. The Defence team led by John Isabirye applied for bail on behalf of the accused arguing that the minister’s health was fragile and could not be maintained within the prison premises. This was confirmed by the head of the police health department in a report tendered to the court.

Lugoloobi presented Hon.Naigaga Mariam the District Woman representative for Namutumba District, James Kakoza the former State Minister for Health as well as a member of the East African Legislative Assembly, Hon. Topher Kiwanuka and Galambwa Moses.

The Anti–Corruption Court’s Senior Grade One Magistrate, Mr Ebert Asiimwe informed the parties that he needed time to internalize the documents presented in court before making a reasoned ruling. The Magistrate thereafter adjourned the case to the 20th of April 2023 for a ruling on the bail application.

Minister Lugoloobi was on Friday arrested and detained at Kira Police Station where spent the entire weekend in connection with the mismanagement of iron sheets meant for the Karachunas (youth warriors) in Karamoja.

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