Reverend Exonerated in Defilement Case After Years of Legal Battle

Kerry Howard Mwesigwa.

Reverend Canon Kezekiah Kalule, a clergyman in Luweero District, has emerged victorious in a protracted legal battle against charges of aggravated defilement. Following a rigorous six-year ordeal, High Court Judge Damalie N. Lwanga delivered a verdict acquitting Rev. Kalule, stating that the prosecution failed to establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Rev. Kalule found himself entangled in a legal quagmire when he was accused in 2018 of committing defilement against a minor under his care. The allegations not only marred his reputation but also prevented him from retiring officially from the Church, pending resolution of the court proceedings. The case sent shockwaves through the Anglican Church in Luweero, leaving Rev. Kalule grappling with uncertainty for several years.

Judge Lwanga’s ruling hinged on the numerous inconsistencies detected in the victim’s statements provided to law enforcement authorities. The judge astutely observed that the victim’s shifting claims regarding the identity of her assailant, as well as conflicting accounts regarding the circumstances of her residence, cast doubt upon her credibility. The prosecution failed to present compelling evidence that would establish the charges against Rev. Kalule beyond reasonable doubt, thereby weakening their case.

High Court Judge Damalie N. Lwanga ultimately acquitted Rev. Kalule of the charge of aggravated defilement, highlighting the prosecution’s inability to satisfy the burden of proof. Despite the assessor’s recommendation to convict, Judge Lwanga underscored the grave contradictions in the prosecution’s narrative and the crucial issue of the victim’s credibility. In the end, the court concluded that Rev. Kalule was not guilty of the charges levelled against him.

Expressing gratitude for the court’s verdict, Rev. Kalule lamented the lack of support he received from the Church throughout his arduous journey. He revealed his aspiration for a dignified retirement, which was jeopardized by the damaging allegations. Rev. Kalule called for the rectification of his service record as he transitions into a new chapter of his life.

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