Police Officer Ivan Wabwire appears in court on charges of Murdering Indian Money Lender


Sandra Ainebyoona.

A police officer is facing charges of murder for the death of Mr. Uttam Bhandari Saremalan, an Indian money lender. The courtroom drama has unfolded at Buganda Road Court, with the prosecution leading the case against Police Constable Ivan Wabwire. As the accused stands trial, the court must navigate the complexities of the case and await the crucial evidence that will determine the officer’s fate.

 The charge, murder with malice aforethought, stems from the tragic incident that occurred on May 12, 2023, at Raja Chambers along Parliamentary Avenue in Kampala. The victim, Mr. Uttam Bhandari Saremalan, an Indian money lender, lost his life in what the prosecution alleges was an unlawful shooting by the police officer.

At the scheduled hearing, Buganda Road Court Chief Magistrate, Ronald Kayizzi, presided over the proceedings. The prosecution, led by Ivan Kyazze, asserted that the investigation into the matter was still ongoing. Therefore, they requested more time to gather additional evidence before committing the accused to trial. Acknowledging the significance of the case, Chief Magistrate Kayizzi granted the prosecution’s request and adjourned the proceedings until August 24, 2023.

The defense, led by experienced lawyers, has maintained that Constable Ivan Wabwire acted within the scope of his duty and was compelled to use lethal force in response to perceived threats. On the other hand, the prosecution intends to present compelling evidence suggesting that the shooting was premeditated, leaving the court to determine whether malice played a role in Mr. Saremalan’s tragic demise.

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