Our mother must be buried in Nebbi: Late Justice Arach-Amoko’s children insist.


The Children of the deceased Supreme Court Judge, the late Justice Stella Arach-Amoko have insisted that their mother must be buried in Nebbi besides her later father. Through a letter sent yesterday the 24th of June 2023, Annette Yosa, and Jackie Amony both biological daughters, Emmanuel Komakech, the biological son, Christian Onyok, the biological sister and Godfrey Picho, the brother to the deceased rejected the earlier proposal of burying Arach at a neutral place in a Catholic cemetery.

In the letter, Justice Arach’s Nebbi family insist that she must be buried according to the Ragem customs and in compliance with her deathbed wishes;

“We appreciate your acknowledgment that her burial mustn’t be conducted in Adjumani as you had earlier mentioned. We maintain that she should be buried at Jukia Hill Ward in Nebbi District next to her late father Wod Rwot, His Worship Micheal Picho and her aunt Nya’ Rwot Julia Angeyo as she desired, in accordance with her deathbed wishes and Ragem customs.”

The Nebbi family has instead proposed that the state function which includes the requiem mass, the speeches by all state officials, dignitaries, and in-laws, and laying of the wreaths and viewing of the body be held in Arua as a compromise to have the dispute resolved.  

During an earlier mediation meeting held in the office of Francis Gimara (Senior Counsel), representatives of the warring parties from both families had reached a decision to find a mutually agreeable solution regarding the final resting place of the esteemed justice. The family of Ambassador Amoko proposed a neutral burial place, the Arua Catholic Cathedral Cemetery.

The disagreement disrupted the initial burial arrangements set for June 23rd in Adjumani after parliamentary tributes and a special court session honoring the late Justice Stella Arach-Amoko. The children and maternal relatives expressed their objection, claiming a lack of consultation. Despite mediation efforts by Speaker of Parliament Anita Among, an agreement could not be reached initially, resulting in the deceased’s body being returned to a funeral home. The differing opinions led to filing of a suit, with Arach’s children and two maternal relatives seeking a court order to enforce burial in Nebbi.

One thought on “Our mother must be buried in Nebbi: Late Justice Arach-Amoko’s children insist.

  1. It is good for these sons and daughters to request for the burial of their mother in ancestral home. This is because no one wants not to always honor the soul of their parents. We have seen higher ranked officers die and they are buried in their homes. Let the court order for what the children wish.

    My humble submission

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