NIRA Officer Faces Legal Action over Abuse of Office

Kerry Howard Mwesigwa.

In a concerning development, an officer from the National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA) is now at the center of a legal investigation for suspected abuse of office. The District Registration Officer, Asiimwe Fabby Innocent, stationed in Kole district, stands accused of engaging in improper conduct that jeopardizes the integrity of the National Identification System and raises potential risks associated with such misconduct.

The allegations against Mr. Asiimwe Fabby Innocent stem from an incident in 2021 when he purportedly relocated the registration kit to Kampala without proper authorization. Subsequently, he allegedly proceeded to register individuals beyond his authorized jurisdiction, in direct violation of NIRA procedures and guidelines. Even more troubling, it is alleged that both Ugandan and foreign nationals were registered, with some potentially presenting forged documents during the registration process. Furthermore, certain registrations reportedly took place during late hours, flagrantly flouting NIRA’s guidelines.

The ramifications of these actions are profound and far-reaching. Not only does it appear to be a betrayal of the public trust and a violation of the oath to serve and protect, but it also undermines the credibility of the National Identity Documents issued by NIRA. The National Identification System holds immense importance in the lives of countless individuals, making any form of manipulation or misconduct a matter of national concern.

In response to the gravity of the situation, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations has promptly initiated legal action against the accused officer. Mr. Asiimwe Fabby Innocent now faces charges for Abuse of Office under Section 11(1) of the Anti-Corruption Act and is expected to appear before the Anti-corruption division at Kololo.

The motive behind Mr. Asiimwe Fabby Innocent’s alleged actions remains unclear at this stage. However, similar offenses have previously been linked to serious crimes such as terrorism, money laundering, and human trafficking. This further underscores the urgency and importance of a thorough and transparent investigation into the matter.

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