Newly Recruited State Attorneys Receive Stern Warning against Corruption


October 05, 2023.

KAMPALA, Uganda | During an induction ceremony held at Hotel Africana on Thursday, October 5, 2023, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Jane Frances Abodo, delivered a stern warning to the 100 newly recruited state attorneys. The message was clear: corruption will not be tolerated.

Abodo, addressing the fresh recruits, reminded them of their crucial role in upholding justice and the law. She stressed that, with their recently enhanced and tax-exempt salaries, there was no justification for engaging in corrupt practices. Abodo made it unequivocal that anyone found involved in corruption would face prosecution.

“We are coming at a time when our salary has been enhanced and exempted from tax. Therefore, we need accountability from you, and this means we shall put you on alert, especially on corruption. Anyone who engages in it and we get evidence, we shall prosecute you,” Abodo cautioned.

The DPP’s message resonated with the fact that, in the past year, over three state attorneys had been charged with soliciting bribes from those seeking justice. Abodo emphasized that their role was to provide a service to the people and not to amass wealth.

“Prosecution is about a service as lawyers for the people. My message to you is that you should be professional, uphold integrity, work hard, and keep the faith because these qualities will take you far,” Abodo urged the new recruits.

The recruitment of these 100 state attorneys marked a significant moment, as the last intake had occurred in 2015. Abodo expressed her excitement about bridging the staffing gap within the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP).

However, she also highlighted the need for more state attorneys to meet the approved structure of 853. Currently, her office remains absent in 41 districts, with 101 courts operating without designated state attorneys. Abodo revealed that state attorneys from nearby stations sometimes travel to these districts to handle cases, emphasizing the need for further recruitment.

John Baptist Asiimwe, Deputy DPP in charge of management support services, stressed the importance of working towards a crime-free society. He cautioned the state attorneys against both actual and perceived corruption, reminding them that the job could be tempting but required steadfast integrity.

Deputy DPP James Odumbi provided insights into considerations before sanctioning charges, while David Wajambuka, the Assistant Commissioner of Human Resource Management at ODPP, urged the state attorneys to adhere to the rules governing public servants.

As they embark on their vital roles in the justice system, the newly recruited state attorneys carry with them the responsibility of upholding the law, promoting integrity, and ensuring that justice is served without compromise. The DPP’s message serves as a reminder that their duty is not just a profession but a commitment to the ideals of justice and accountability.

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