Nagirinya Murder: Prime suspect wants 50 million to summon witnesses

Kasolo appearing in Court at the High Court in Kampala

Reported by Sandra Ainebyoona

The trial in which Kasolo Corporiyamu alias Arsenal and another are being tried over their alleged involvement in the gruesome murder of social worker Maria Nagirinya and her driver Ronald Kitayimbwa took an unexpected twist when Kasolo requested to be given Fifty Million Uganda Shillings (Ugx 50,000,000) to be used to summon witnesses for his defence. Kasolo Corporiyamu informed court that he intends to place summons in the media with wide circulation including newspapers, television, radio, social media and other media platforms. The prosecution however opposed the request, insisting that Kasolo should provide specific and verifiable particulars of each witness so that the court process server can affect service.

Kasolo made the request after the presiding Judge Justice Isaac Muwata told the accused to defend themselves. While delivering his ruling, the judge observed that the prosecution had produced evidence in court proving that the accused had a case to answer. With case to answer established, the Judge advised the accused to prepare for their defence if they so wished. Kasolo informed court that he intended to produce six witnesses which he would sermon through advertisement. As the trial continues, critical legal issues surrounding the participation of the accused in the kidnapping and murder of Nagirinya Maria and the admissibility of certain evidence presented by the prosecution remain to be answered. The judge has set hearing dates for 16th, 17th, and 18th May when the accused are expected to present their case.

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