Reported by Kerry Howard Mwesigwa

Ugandan Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development and also the Member of Parliament for Ntenjeru North constituency Amos Lugoloobi, who is facing charges of dealing with suspect property, has been granted bail by the Anti-Corruption Court.

The presiding magistrate His Worship Herbert Asiimwe informed fully packed courtroom that he had carefully considered all the circumstances, and thoroughly analysed the relevant factors before granting bail to the Minister. He ordered Lugoloobi to pay a cash bail of Ten Million Uganda shillings, surrender the original certificate of title for land comprised in Kyandodo County, block 261 plot 730 land situate at Sabagobo Sub-county, and to surrender his original diplomatic passport. Furthermore, the Applicant was prohibited from leaving Uganda without the knowledge and permission of the court.

The prosecution had opposed the bail application, arguing that Lugoloobi might interfere with investigations and intimidate witnesses, but the magistrate ruled that the accusations against him were not sufficient to deny him liberty and bail, especially on allegations and suspicions that had not been proved. The magistrate considered various conditions when granting bail, including the nature of the accusation, the gravity of the offence, and whether the accused had substantial sureties, among others. No submissions were made on the antecedents of the accused, but the court concluded that the accused had good antecedents based on recommendations from his community which indicated that he was not likely to interfere with the investigation. The judge emphasized that the right to liberty is crucial in a free and democratic society, and the prosecution’s fears and suspicions were not enough to prove the allegations.

To ensure compliance with the conditions set, six sureties were bonded with a non-cash sum of 100 million Uganda shillings each. In addition, the Applicant was cautioned not to interfere with witnesses or investigations during the hearing of the case, and that any violation of this condition would result in the automatic cancellation of the bail.

Lugoloobi is facing corruption charges stemming from Karamaja iron sheets scandal that has beleaguered the country for months. He is accused of unlawfully dealing with 700 pre-painted iron sheets marked with OPM within various time-frames and locations, with knowledge that they were acquired through loss of public/government property.

The matter was then adjourned to 2nd June 2023 at 12:00 noon for mention.

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