Reported by Sandra Ainebyona

The Ugandan Minister in Charge of Karamoja Affairs, Hon. Kitutu Mary Goretti Kimono has been sent to Luzira government prison after being produced in court on corruption charges. Kitutu and her brother, Michael Kitutu Naboya were charged together with Joshua Abaho (Kitutu’s senior assistant secretary) who did not appear in court. This prompted the presiding Magistrate to issue the criminal summons.

According to the charge sheet presented to the court, the three are charged with six counts of loss of public property, corruption, receiving stolen property, and conspiracy to defraud.

The prosecution alleges that the group between June 2022 and January 2023 at the Office of the Prime Minister’s stores in Namanve caused the loss of public property in the form of 14,500 iron sheets by diverting them from the intended purpose of benefiting the Karamoja community empowerment programme to their own benefit, knowing that such acts would result into loss of public property

The prosecution also alleges that Naboya Kitutu at Situmi village, Namisindwa district received 100 iron sheets marked ‘OPM Uganda’ knowing that the same had been feloniously obtained.

Through her lawyers led by Micheal Wamasebu and Jude Byamukama, Hon. Kitutu applied for bail on grounds that she suffers from heart disease with left ventricle stiffness, is of advanced age, is a grandmother to seven and has a permanent place of abode. Kitutu also stated that she was willing to surrender her diplomatic passport to the court. Kitutu also presented several sureties including her husband Michael Kitutu, Dr. Joel Wandambwa a plastic surgeon, former Member of Parliament Simon Mulongo and Member of Parliament for Mbale City Seith Wambede.

The Anti-corruption Chief Magistrate Joan Aciro informed the accused that she was unable to give her ruling instantly and adjourned the case to 14th April 2023 amid pleas from Kitutu’s lawyers who wanted interim bail as the Magistrate prepares her detailed ruling.

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