Medical Officer Arrested for Alleged Sexual Assault on Pregnant Patient

Kerry Howard Mwesigwa.

Rukiga District – A 38-year-old medical professional has been taken into police custody in Rukiga District following accusations of sexually assaulting a 20-year-old pregnant woman under his care. The enrolled nurse, stationed at Mparo Health Centre 4, has been identified as the alleged perpetrator.

The incident, which took place on August 21, 2023, has sent shockwaves through the community. Elizabeth Orishaba, a resident of Maaya Cell, Kitanga Parish, Kashambya Sub County, sought a routine medical examination at Mparo Health Centre 4 to ensure the well-being of both herself and her unborn child. Seven months pregnant, Orishaba’s visit was meant to be a routine affair.

During her visit, she was referred for a scanning procedure, which was to be administered by the nurse now facing serious allegations. What should have been a professional and necessary medical procedure quickly turned into a harrowing experience for the young woman.

Allegedly, upon entering the scanning room, the nurse instructed Orishaba to disrobe. The situation escalated when, according to the victim, the nurse engaged in non-consensual intercourse. The trauma of the incident has left Orishabaa reeling and has raised grave concerns about patient safety within healthcare settings.

The trust between healthcare providers and patients is paramount, particularly in vulnerable situations such as pregnancy. This incident highlights the importance of safeguarding patient well-being and maintaining the integrity of healthcare environments.

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