Man charged for cutting down Mabira Forest


27th September 2023

KAMPALA, Uganda – The Anti-Corruption Unit at State House Uganda, in collaboration with the Uganda Police, has taken a step in the fight against deforestation by arraigning Sembwa Rabinson before the Buganda Road Chief Magistrates Court. The charges? Illegal Possession of Forest Produce.

Sembwa’s story unfolds near the lush Mabira forest, where a search of his nearby stores in Najjembe division, Lugazi Municipality, revealed over 200 pieces of timber mercilessly severed from the heart of this natural wonder. But Sembwa isn’t new to this scene; he’s a notorious illegal logger with a history of arrests and charges.

This crucial crackdown stems from a directive by His Excellency the President himself, who, time and again, has voiced his stance against the decimation of forests. He once asserted, “whoever destroys forests is an enemy of the country because forests work as a system.” Indeed, this ecosystem is under siege, and the repercussions extend far beyond our borders.

Uganda faces a staggering annual loss of over 500,000 acres of forests, equivalent to clearing 43 football fields every hour. In 2021 alone, 49,000 hectares of vital tree cover vanished, resulting in a staggering 23.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions. The ongoing investigations reveal a grim reality: encroachments for agriculture, rampant logging, charcoal production, and even the illicit creation of titles on forest land.

The urgency to safeguard our forests cannot be overstated. Beyond preserving our indigenous species, the battle against deforestation plays a pivotal role in mitigating global warming’s dire effects. The commitment to bring all culprits to justice remains unwavering, for the protection of our cherished forests is a collective responsibility we must honor.

Mabira Forest

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