Man Arrested for Aggravated Defilement and Sodomizing Juveniles


October 17, 2023

KAMPALA, Uganda | In a distressing incident, the Kampala Metropolitan Police South and Nateete division have one Mutabazi Deo, a 30-year-old male resident of Mutundwe Wabiyinja zone, Bunamwaya division, in custody. The arrest is connected to the aggravated defilement and sodomy of two male juveniles aged 11 and 12.

According to SCP Enanga Fred, the Police Spokesperson, the suspect allegedly called the two young victims to his room a week ago. Shockingly, he is reported to have used oil to lubricate their anuses and subjected them to sodomy. It was the concern of vigilant neighbors that led to the rescue of the young victims, as they promptly alerted the parents, who in turn notified the Defence Secretary LCI of the area.

During the arrest, law enforcement found the suspect with two other male juveniles, aged 10 and 13, who were sitting on his bed with lubricated anuses, suggesting they were potential victims of a similar crime. As a result, the suspect has been taken into custody on charges of Aggravated Defilement and indecent assault.

This deeply troubling incident sheds light on the vulnerability of young boys and teenagers within our communities. It underscores the critical importance of vigilance, reporting any suspicious activities, and advocating for the safety and protection of children and juveniles. Ensuring their well-being and safeguarding their rights is a shared responsibility that we all must uphold.

Fred Enanga has emphasized that Law enforcement agencies and local authorities are actively working together to bring justice to the victims and hold the alleged perpetrator accountable for these heinous crimes.

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