Mabaati Saga Takes a New Twist as Attorney General Rejects Minister’s Torture Allegations


12th September 2023.

Kampala, Uganda – In a new development surrounding the notorious Mabaati saga, Attorney General Kiryowa Kiwanuka has firmly refuted allegations of torture made by Karamoja affairs minister, Hon. Goretti Kitutu. The minister, who faces accusations of diverting iron sheets meant for the Karamoja region, claims she was subjected to torture and denied access to legal representation during her ordeal. Minister Kitutu maintains that she was blindfolded and transported at high speed to Kayunga district upon her arrest.

The Attorney General, serving as the government’s principal legal advisor and representative, categorically labeled Minister Kitutu as untruthful, asserting that her allegations of torture were without merit. To support the government’s stance, five senior police officers and the Clerk to Parliament, Adolf Mwesige Kasaija, have submitted affidavits affirming the government’s position.

The officers who provided affidavits in defense of the government include Superintendent of Police (SP) Mohammed Sowed, SP Sophy Neboshi, Senior Commissioner of Police Beata Chelimo, Assistant Superintendent of Police Juliet Mutuwa, and Elias Twesigye. ASP Juliet Mutuwa, formerly associated with Parliament, also asserts that Kitutu’s account as contained in that her application is full of falsehoods.

The ongoing legal battle centers on Kitutu’s alleged involvement in causing the loss of public property and conspiracy to defraud. She faces these charges alongside her brother, Michael Kitutu Naboya, and personal assistant Joshua Abaho. Naboya is accused of receiving stolen property, while Abaho faces corruption charges.

Prosecutors assert that Kitutu diverted 9,000 pre-painted iron sheets gauge 28 from the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) stores in Namanve between June 2022 and January 2023, causing a loss of public property. It is alleged that she redirected these iron sheets, intended for the Karamoja Community Development Programme (KCEP), for her own and third parties’ benefit, with knowledge that it would result in the loss of public property.

Additionally, Kitutu is accused of diverting 5,500 pre-painted iron sheets of gauge 28, again intended for the KCEP, for personal gain and the benefit of third parties. Prosecutors claim that she conspired with her co-accused to defraud KCEP beneficiaries. It is alleged that in June 2022 at Situmi Village, Bukhawekha Sub County, Namisindwa District, Naboya received 100 pre-coated iron sheets of gauge 28 marked “OPM-Uganda,” knowing that they had been acquired unlawfully. Abaho is accused of diverting 9,000 and 5,500 pre-painted iron sheets intended for KCEP for purposes unrelated to their intended use, with the aim of benefiting third parties.


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