Life Sentences for Key Suspects in Nagirinya Murder Case


October 19, 2023

KAMPALA, Uganda | The culmination of a lengthy and emotional trial in the High Court has brought a semblance of closure for the families of the victims in the Maria Nagirinya and Ronald Kitayimbwa murder case. High Court Judge Isaac Muwata has handed down life sentences to two key suspects, while showing leniency to others who were found to have played lesser roles in the tragic events of August 2019.

The courtroom was filled with tension and anticipation as the judge announced the verdict. The key suspects, Compoliyamu Kasolo and Johnson Lubega, were both sentenced to life in prison. Judge Muwata emphasized that these two individuals had shown no remorse throughout the trial. In particular, Kasolo’s disruptive behavior during court proceedings did not work in his favor.

On the other hand, Hassan Kisekka, Nasif Kalyango, and Sharif Mpanga were found to have only facilitated the commission of the offenses and later profited from the crimes. They were deemed first-time offenders and showed remorse during the trial. As a result, Judge Muwata chose to be lenient and sentenced them to 30 years in prison for each count, with a deduction for the time spent on remand.

One of the accused, Sadat Kateregga, was acquitted of all charges due to insufficient evidence pinning him to the crimes.

In delivering his judgment, Judge Muwata reflected on the brutality of the murders, labeling them as “gruesome and terrible.” He acknowledged that no amount of punishment could ever truly compensate for the lives lost, but he stressed the necessity of holding senseless criminals accountable and deterring others from committing similar offenses.

The verdict serves as a crucial step towards justice for the victims and their families. While it cannot erase the pain and trauma they have endured, it reaffirms that the legal system can provide redress in the face of such heart-wrenching crimes. The families of Maria Nagirinya and Ronald Kitayimbwa may now find solace in knowing that those responsible for their loved ones’ deaths will be held accountable, and that the memory of their lost family members can begin to find peace.


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