Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee retreats to reconsider Uganda’s Anti-Gay Bill

Reported by Kerry Howard Mwesigwa

On April 28, 2023, it was announced that the Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee had taken one day to scrutinize the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, 2023, as returned by President Museveni for reconsideration, and it will be ready for tabling on Tuesday 2nd May. The Bill criminalizes acts of homosexuality, aggravated homosexuality, promotion of homosexuality, child grooming, among other offenses, and anyone who engages in same-sex activity could face life imprisonment.

 President Museveni returned the bill on Wednesday 26th April after proposing amendments, including penalizing homosexuality rather than individuals identifying as homosexuals, removing the obligation on individuals to report homosexuality and adding provisions for rehabilitation for those unwillingly recruited or who wish to reform.

The continued flow of the financial support from the US that provides life-saving drugs for the majority of the 1.4 million Ugandans living with HIV/AIDS has turned uncertain after US Global Aids coordinator, Dr John Nkengasong, citing the anti-Homosexuality legislation, indefinitely deferred Uganda Country Operational Plan 2023 (COP23) final presentation meeting due today. The import is a stalled decision on Uganda’s eligibility for continued Pepfar support or applicable amount, an outcome the Americans have tied to whether President Museveni signs AHA into law.

MPs have said that Uganda, which has a debt burden of Shs80tn ($21.8bn) and struggles to mobilize revenue, can cope if donors withdraw support. Furthermore, Members of the Committee on Legal and Parliamentary Affairs yesterday expedited scrutiny of the President’s proposals ahead of the re-tabling of the legislation in the House next Tuesday.

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