LDC exam drama: Magistrate caught sitting exam for girlfriend, cites witchcraft

Kampala, Uganda

The Law Development Center (LDC) has been left astounded by the discovery of an impersonator attempting to cheat during the final examinations. In a desperate ploy to excel, a student allegedly sought the assistance of a newly appointed magistrate to take an exam on their behalf. The shocking incident came to light during the final Bar Course examinations at LDC. The student in question, Musa Ammaari Ssemwogere, was caught sitting an exam on land transactions on behalf of his girlfriend, Irene Mutonyi.

According to sources, Musa Ammaari Ssemwogere is among the 87 grade one magistrates who were appointed by the Judicial Service Commission on June 12th. However, the official appointment process has yet to be finalized, and the magistrates are still awaiting their swearing-in, as confirmed by the Judiciary Chief Registrar, Langa Siu.

In response to this shocking incident, the judiciary has promptly released a statement asserting that Mr. Ssemwogerere will not be employed by the judicial service commission.  This came after Ammaari was charged with two counts of “uttering a false document” contrary to section 351 of the Penal Code Act and “impersonation” contrary to Section 381 of the Penal Code Act before the Lira Chief Magistrates Court.

In a bizarre twist, sources close to Ammaari have claimed that he attributes the entire incident to witchcraft, maintaining that he was not aware of his actions while in the examination room and only regained consciousness when apprehended by the authorities. This attempt to shift blame has added an intriguing yet concerning dimension to the case.

Cheating and impersonation during examinations strike at the heart of academic integrity, jeopardizing the credibility of the education system and eroding public trust in the legal profession. The Law Development Center and the judiciary’s attempt to swiftly deal with this matter underscores their unwavering commitment to upholding high standards of professionalism within the legal community.

The Law Development Center has reassured the public and stakeholders that a thorough investigation will be conducted to identify any potential accomplices or lapses in the examination process. Additionally, stringent measures will be put in place to prevent similar incidents in the future, safeguarding the sanctity of examinations.

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