Lawyers pursuing case involving senior army officer living in fear


October 15, 2023

Hoima City, Uganda | Lawyers in Hoima City, have raised serious concerns about their safety as they pursue legal cases against high-ranking government officials. Lawyers Arinaitwe Peter and Odur Anthony through their firm of Arinaitwe Peter & Co. Advocates, have submitted a petition to the Chief of Defense Forces, General Wilson Mbadi, highlighting the threats they have faced in the course of their work.

The legal team alleges that they have been targeted due to the cases they are pursuing against Brigadier General Peter Nabasa, Bogere Patrick, the DPC Hoima, and Kyakashari Michael, the Deputy RDC Hoima. These cases involve more than 120 families who are victims of land evictions in Kapaapi, Hoima District, and are based on allegations of violations of fundamental human rights.

The law firm asserts that as lawyers they have a primary duty as officers of the court to uphold justice and ensure impartial application of the law. However, the constant harassment and threats to their lives have made it difficult for them to carry out their duties effectively and without fear.

The incident that triggered their complaint and appeal for security allegedly occurred on the night of October 4, 2023 when there was an alleged attempt on the life of one of their lawyers in Hoima City.

In their petition, the law firm calls for several actions to be taken. They are requesting the Chief of Defense Forces to intervene and ensure the safety of their legal team so that they can continue their work without fear or favor. They also seek an investigation into the conduct of Brigadier General Peter Nabasa, Bogere Patrick, and Kyakashari Michael.

Furthermore, the lawyers have requested that security measures be put in place to protect them, enhanced security at Hoima Court and its vicinity, and security provided to the victims of the eviction. These measures are essential to safeguard the fair and just administration of justice.


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