Kenya’s Judiciary Chief Registrar and Son implicated in gold scam

Ms. Anne Amadi

By Kerry Howard Mwesigwa

The Chief Registrar of the Judiciary in Kenya Anne Atieno Amadi and her son Brian Ochieng, along with two Kenyan individuals and a Liberian citizen, are currently facing legal action due to their involvement in a significant gold scandal. Bruton Gold Trading LLC, a Dubai-based gold trading firm, has filed a lawsuit, claiming a loss of Kshs 101,952,741 ($742,206) between September 22 and October 21, 2021. Recognizing the urgency of the case, the High Court has taken steps to freeze multiple bank accounts belonging to Anne Amadi and her law firm, Amadi & Associates Advocates, until the investigation is concluded.

According to Demetrios Bradshaw, a representative of Bruton Gold Trading LLC, the funds in question were meant for the purchase of 1,500 kilograms of gold bars from Amadi & Associates Advocates. However, it was discovered that the gold was never delivered to the buyer in Dubai, leading to substantial financial losses. The defendants named in the case are Anne Amadi, Brian Ochieng, Andrew Njenga Kiarie, Kikanae Topoti, Daniel Ndegwa Kangara (also known as Daniel Muriithi), and Edward Taylor (also known as Mboronda Seyenkulo Sakor).

Police investigations have revealed that Brian Ochieng and Andrew Njenga Kiarie withdrew the funds deposited by Demetrios Bradshaw in cash. The plaintiff alleges that Anne Amadi, along with the three advocates representing Amadi & Associates Advocates, Daniel Kangara, and Edward Taylor, obtained the money unlawfully through fraudulent means. Demetrios Bradshaw is seeking full reimbursement of the funds, along with interest and coverage for legal expenses.

In response to the allegations, High Court judge David Majanja has granted an urgent hearing and ordered the freezing of bank accounts belonging to Anne Amadi, Brian Ochieng, and Amadi & Associates Advocates. The court has strictly prohibited any withdrawals from the frozen accounts without explicit permission. Additionally, conservatory orders have been extended to freeze two accounts at ABC Bank associated with Amadi & Associates Advocates. The defendants have yet to file their defenses, and the case is scheduled for mention on May 23, 2023. Legal representatives from Murage Juma & Company, acting on behalf of Demetrios Bradshaw, assert that the defendants orchestrated a fraudulent scheme to deceive and defraud their client. They are determined to ensure the recovery of the funds and hold the defendants accountable for their actions.

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