Kenyan Court declares student’s gift from Belgian boyfriend  illicit

Kerry Howard Mwesigwa

Felista Njoroge, a college student, has been stripped of KSh102 million (approximately USD738,000) gifted to her by her Belgian boyfriend, after the High Court declared the funds proceeds of money laundering. The ruling, delivered by Judge Esther Maina, establishes that the money held in two bank accounts belonging to Njoroge is derived from criminal activities, yet its source remains unexplained.

The saga unfolded in August 2021, when Njoroge received a mysterious gift of KSh102 million from her billionaire boyfriend, Marc De Mesel, a prominent figure in the crypto world. However, suspicions arose regarding the origin of the funds, prompting the Assets Recovery Agency (ARA) to freeze the assets.

Following a comprehensive examination of the case, Judge Esther Maina determined that De Mesel failed to provide a satisfactory account of the money’s source and acquisition. Consequently, the court authorized the government to confiscate the funds held in Njoroge’s cooperative bank accounts.

This landmark judgment highlights the fight against money laundering and emphasizes the obligation of individuals to disclose the legitimate origins of their wealth. Justice Maina emphasized the necessity of transparency concerning the funds’ provenance to counteract potential money laundering activities.

The court’s decision to forfeit the KSh102 million to the state underscores the seriousness of the matter and aims to discourage illicit financial operations. Njoroge first gained public attention in 2021 when she revealed that the State Criminal Investigation Department had intercepted the funds sent by her Belgian partner. Despite legal attempts to reclaim the money, the identity of the recipient remains undisclosed.

Additionally, it has come to light that De Mesel transferred substantial amounts to three other Kenyan women: Tabby Wambuku Kago (KSh108 million), Jane Wangui Kago (KSh49 million), and Serah Wambui (KSh100 million). These transactions, combined with the lack of clarity surrounding the source of the crypto currency trader’s wealth, have raised suspicions of an international money laundering network. As the case awaits its final resolution, the freezing of the assets serves as a precautionary measure to ensure transparency and accountability. The verdict serves as a clear message that individuals must provide valid explanations for significant monetary gifts, particularly in cases where money laundering suspicions arise.

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