Karamoja iron sheets scandal: Jurisdiction issue delays committal of Minister Kitutu’s case to the High Court for trial.


Kerry Howard Mwesigwa.

The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has announced the completion of inquiries into an alleged scandal surrounding the mismanagement of iron sheets in the Karamoja region. The probe implicates Minister Mary Gorreti Kitutu and two others. During a session at the Anti-Corruption Court in Kampala, the Chief State Attorney presented a summary of the evidence against the accused parties.

The indictment was submitted with a request for the accused individuals to stand trial in the High Court. However, the defense raised a jurisdictional issue, citing a pending application challenging the territorial jurisdiction of one of the suspects, Mr. Micheal Naboya Kitutu. The defense argued that the charges against Mr. Naboya should have been filed in the court of his home district, Mbale, where the alleged offense took place. They urged the court to await the High Court’s ruling on the jurisdictional matter before proceeding with the trial.

While the defense sought to halt the process, the prosecution objected, asserting that no injunction had been issued to impede the progress of the case. The Chief Magistrate acknowledged the significance of obtaining input from the High Court before making further decisions, leading to an adjournment of the proceedings.

Minister Kitutu faces charges related to the loss of public property and conspiracy to defraud. The prosecution alleges that she diverted 9,000 pre-painted gauge 28 iron sheets, which were intended to benefit the Karamoja Community Empowerment Programme, for personal gain and the benefit of others. The alleged incident occurred at the Office of the Prime Minister’s stores in Namanve, Mukono District, between June 2022 and January. Additionally, she is accused of causing the loss of an additional 5,500 iron sheets.

Mr. Naboya, Minister Kitutu’s brother, is charged with receiving stolen pre-coated iron sheets. It is alleged that he acquired 100 of these sheets unlawfully between June 2022 and January in Namisindwa District. Both Minister Kitutu and Mr. Naboya, along with Mr. Joshua Abaho, a senior assistant secretary in the Ministry of Karamoja Affairs, have denied the charges.

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