Reported by Kerry Howard Mwesigwa

The Karamoja Iron Sheet Scandal has taken another twist as the State Minister of Karamoja Affairs, Agnes Nandutu, has finally given herself up to the police on Tuesday after a long period of dodging arrest. She was wanted by the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) headquarters in Kibuli for allegedly misusing iron sheets that were intended for the needy communities in Karamoja. She had turned off her phones and abandoned her home in Seeta, Mukono, but later showed up at the police station after a cat-and-mouse game with the investigators.

This development comes after two other ministers, Amos Lugoloobi and Goretti Kitutu, were apprehended and detained over the same scandal. Kitutu was taken to Luzira Prison on Monday, while Lugoloobi spent the previous week at the same facility. According to police spokesperson, Fred Enanga, each file of the 53 accused officials, including the Prime Minister, Robinah Nabanja, and the Speaker of Parliament, Anita Hill, among others, is being dealt with on an individual basis. The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has the power to decide who will be brought to court or not.

Three other ministers, Matia Kasaija of Finance, Judith Nabakooba of Lands, and Jacob Oboth-Oboth (State for Defense), are also likely to face arrest or prosecution over the Karamoja iron sheet scandal. The scandal involves the mishandling of relief items meant for Karamoja, with some ministers and members of parliament distributing the iron sheets to preferred institutions or using them for their own benefit.

In the case of Nandutu, it is reported that the recovered iron sheets from her home do not match the number she had received. Less than 2,000 iron sheets were found, yet she had taken 2,000 in June 2022. This has raised more questions about the extent of the misuse and mismanagement of relief items meant for the disadvantaged communities in Karamoja.

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