Judiciary honors retiring Judges and  other Officials

Kerry Howard Mwesigwa.

In a emotional event, the legal fraternity came together to bid farewell to five revered judges and eight dedicated lower-ranking officials as they officially retire from their illustrious positions. This transition not only marks a shift in the staffing dynamics within the judiciary but also underscores the immense value of their dedicated service and substantial contributions.

The departure of these esteemed judges from their roles resonates with the culmination of a distinguished legal journey characterized by unwavering commitment and professionalism. The accomplished jurists bidding adieu include Supreme Court Justice Ezekiel Muhanguzi, and High Court Judges Lady Justice Jane Kiggundu, Asaph Ruhindi, Justice Joseph Murangira, and Justice Tonny Vincent Okwanga. Their tenure has been marked by a legacy of dedication spanning numerous years.

To honor their invaluable service, a farewell dinner was hosted at the Judiciary headquarters, serving as a fitting tribute to their enduring commitment and contributions to the field of justice. Alongside these distinguished retirees, 36 administrative staff members were also celebrated for their remarkable dedication that spanned over two decades.

During the event, Deputy Chief Justice Richard Buteera extended a heartfelt invitation to the departing judges and officials, urging them to document their profound experiences in autobiographical accounts. This pioneering initiative aims to encapsulate the essence of their professional journeys, creating a valuable repository of insights for future generations and aspiring legal practitioners.

In his address, Buteera reminisced about the early days of their judicial careers, shedding light on the resource constraints that the judiciary grappled with. These narratives provide a glimpse into the unwavering dedication required to effectively fulfill their responsibilities and stand as a testament to their resolute commitment to justice.

As they embark on a new phase of life, marked by retirement, the departing judicial luminaries were encouraged to explore opportunities within the realm of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). With the judiciary placing increasing emphasis on ADR mechanisms such as Mediation, Arbitration, and Reconciliation, their wealth of wisdom and expertise could substantially enrich these processes.

Justice Asaph Ruhinda emphasized the paramount importance of maintaining composure and impartiality while presiding over cases. He underscored the reciprocity inherent in the judicial process, where their judgments wield significant influence. He also stressed the enduring significance of continued collaboration between the judiciary and its retired members.

With the retirement of these accomplished judicial stalwarts, a new chapter in their lives unfolds, offering opportunities to further contribute to the legal landscape. As they bid farewell to their official roles, the enduring impact of their service and their pivotal role in shaping the evolution of the legal system remain deeply profound.

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