Judiciary Deploys 96 newly recruited judicial officers.

Kerry Howard Mwesigwa.

In a strategic move aimed at fortifying the nation’s judicial system, the Judiciary has undertaken the deployment of 96 newly appointed Judicial Officers which has also triggered the transfer of 74 others. According to Judiciary, this initiative is a significant stride towards fostering efficiency and effectiveness within the court system.

Among the newly deployed officers, there are 6 Registrars, 5 Assistant Registrars, and 85 Magistrates Grade I. The Chief Justice, Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny – Dollo, underlined that these new appointments intend to bolster the courts’ capacity to swiftly resolve disputes and uphold the principles of the rule of law.

Chief Justice Owiny – Dollo further commented, “We firmly believe that the deployment of these 96 Judicial Officers and the corresponding transfers will not only streamline the operations of our courts but also solidify public trust in the judicial process. This step aligns seamlessly with our mission to administer justice efficiently and effectively.”

According to judiciary press release, the deployment and transfer decisions were meticulously guided by factors such as caseload and the fulfillment of the Chief Justice’s commitment to extending judicial services to communities. This approach has led to the full operationalization of several new courts, including Toroma, Ishongororo, Busesa, Ndaija, Ruhama, Karugutu, Omoro, Kicheche, Kyankwanzi, Amudat, Maracha, and Nyadri. Other regions that have benefited from these deployments are Atiak, Mulanda, Hakibale, Kisinga, Kakindu, Kyangwali, Kiyunga, Kyanamukaka, Kigumba, Kasanda, and Kyarusozi.

The Chief Registrar, HW Sarah Langa Siu, emphasized the potential impact of these deployments on reducing case disposal lead times and addressing the backlog in the Magistrates Courts. This expansion brings the total number of Officers in the Magisterial structure to 457, comprising 91 Chief Magistrates, 10 Senior Principal Magistrates Grade One, 20 Principal Magistrates Grade One, 33 Senior Magistrates Grade One, and 303 Magistrates Grade Ones.

The deployments will take effect immediately, while the transfers are set to commence from 1st September 2023. The Judiciary’s proactive efforts in strengthening the court system stand as a testament to its dedication to delivering accessible and efficient justice to the citizens of the nation.

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