Judicial Service Commission to Convene Special Meeting over Magistrate’s involvement in Exam Malpractice

Kerry Howard Mwesigwa.

The legal community in Uganda is still stunned as a Grade One Magistrate, Ammaari Musa Ssemwogerere, faces a grave investigation for his alleged involvement in exam malpractice. The Judicial Service Commission (JSC), responsible for upholding the integrity and ethical conduct of judicial officers, has convened a special meeting to review the actions of Magistrate Ssemwogerere. He stands accused of engaging in impersonation and writing an examination on behalf of a friend at the Law Development Center (LDC), Lira campus.

The incident came to light when Magistrate Ssemwogerere was arrested under suspicion of sitting an examination for a student named Irene Mutonyi. Prior to his arrest, Magistrate Ssemwogerere had been appointed alongside other judicial officers on probation.

The Judicial Service Commission now faces the crucial task of assessing whether Magistrate Ssemwogerere’s alleged actions constitute a violation of the Judicial Code of Conduct. As an appointed but not yet sworn-in official, the Commission is closely scrutinizing the allegations against him to ensure a fair and thorough investigation.

Exam malpractice at the Law Development Center is treated as a criminal offense carrying severe consequences. Students found guilty of such misconduct face immediate dismissal from the bar course and are barred from any possibility of readmission. The center maintains a strict policy against impersonation and document forgery, reflecting its commitment to preserving the integrity of legal education and practice.

It is noteworthy that the Law Development Center is the sole institution in Uganda offering the esteemed post-graduate diploma in Legal Practice. Upholding the highest standards of integrity in legal education and practice remains a matter of paramount importance to the center and the legal community at large.

Magistrate Ammaari Musa Ssemwogerere is scheduled to appear in court on August 2nd, 2023, as part of his bail application process. In light of the gravity of the allegations and the potential impact on the legal profession’s credibility, the Judicial Service Commission’s meeting holds significant importance. The legal fraternity and the public are eagerly anticipating the Commission’s findings and subsequent actions in this matter, which will undoubtedly shape the course of justice and accountability within the Ugandan legal system.

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