Hon. Lady Justice Stella Arach-Amoko leaves a legacy of a jurist without a spec of dishonesty.

Kampala, Uganda.

In a solemn gathering at the Judiciary Headquarters, distinguished legal figures and mourners came together to pay tribute to the late Hon. Justice Stella Arach-Amoko. Her passing marks a profound loss for the Judiciary and the nation at large. Hearty reflections and tributes filled the air as legal luminaries narrated the life and impeccable career of a judicial icon who dedicated herself to upholding justice and the rule of law.

Hon. Justice Stella Arach-Amoko’s journey in the legal profession was one of unwavering commitment and dedication. Rising through the ranks, she served as a State Attorney at the Ministry of Justice and constitutional Affairs before ascending to the coveted position of a judge of the High Court. Her profound impact on the Ugandan judicial system was felt across various levels, from the High Court to the Court of Appeal, to the East African Court of Justice and ultimately the Supreme Court.

Known for her candor and objectivity, Justice Arach-Amoko embodied the principles of honesty and judicial integrity throughout her illustrious career. Her unwavering commitment to upholding the rule of law and her meticulous approach to the facts and the law in her judgments earned her respect among her peers and legal professionals.

As the Administrator of the Supreme Court, Justice Arach-Amoko played a pivotal role in promoting harmony and collegiality within the judiciary. Under her guidance, innovative strategies such as mediation and arbitration were introduced to the High Court’s Commercial Division, revolutionizing the resolution of commercial disputes. Her visionary leadership left an indelible mark on the judiciary. During the special Supreme Court session, judicial officers commended her as a dependable person who promoted harmony and exhibited admirable judicial temperament.

As the nation mourns the loss of a remarkable jurist, the life and career of Hon. Lady Justice Stella Arach-Amoko stand as a testament of her unwavering dedication, integrity, and visionary leadership in the pursuit of justice. Her legacy will continue to guide and inspire all those who believe in the transformative power of the law. May her soul rest in eternal peace.

Jural Media editorial

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