Hearing of Heart-Wrenching Child Trafficking Case starts at High Court in Kampala.

Sandra Ainebyoona.

Kampala, Uganda  –  In a somber courtroom at the High Court in Kampala, a grave trial is underway as 28-year-old Scovia faces accusations of child trafficking and the heart-wrenching death of one-and-a-half-year-old Rahim. Presided over by the Honorable Justice Michael Elubu, the trial is marked by the unfolding of tragic events that transpired between June 27th and June 30th, 2020.

The prosecution alleges that Scovia detained young Rahim during this time period, and the child’s lifeless body was later discovered in a desolate area known as Yesu Amala in Busega. While Scovia pleads not guilty to the harrowing allegations, the gravity of the charges hangs heavily in the courtroom.

Nakavuma Laureate, a 50-year-old shopkeeper and a resident of Yesu Amala for over two decades, took the stand as a key witness. With her deep connection to the community, Nakavuma provided valuable insight into the accused and the area’s dynamics. She recounted an encounter on June 27, 2020, when Scovia visited her shop. Scovia had shown interest in a child named Princess who was playing nearby. Nakavuma, cautious and concerned, declined Scovia’s proposal to care for Princess and subsequently warned the child’s parents to prioritize their child’s safety.

Tragedy struck just two days later when young Rahim mysteriously disappeared. The case took an eerie twist as it emerged that Rahim’s family were neighbors to Princess’s parents. Nakavuma’s testimony took a chilling turn when she revealed overhearing a neighbor’s account of seeing Scovia at Rahim’s residence on the day before Rahim went missing.

The heart-wrenching revelation of Rahim’s fate unfolded when her lifeless body was discovered in a remote bush. Strikingly, a lollipop was found resting in her mouth, adding to the haunting nature of the incident.

Justice Michael Elubu has adjourned the case to September 5th to allow for further hearings and cross-examinations. The trial is characterized by a somber atmosphere, as the court seeks to uncover the truth surrounding Rahim’s tragic death and the allegations against Scovia.

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