Gashumba Denied Copyright for “Omalako Jajja Tova ku Main”


October 17, 2023

Kampala, Uganda | The Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) has made a significant ruling, denying Frank Gashumba’s copyright claims over the slogan, Omalako Jajja Tova ku Main, associated with President Museveni’s 2026 campaign. The decision follows a dispute involving three individuals, including Lwengo LCV chairman Ibrahim Kitatta, President Museveni’s senior advisor Hadija Namyalo Uzeiye, and Frank Gashumba.

Frank Gashumba had filed an application with the URSB on May 16, 2023, seeking to copyright the slogan as his own artwork, claiming he had conceived it in November 2022. However, his claims were challenged by Hadija Namyalo, who asserted that she was the originator and creator of the slogan. Ibrahim Kitatta also contested Gashumba’s claim to the copyright.

The ruling by the URSB, delivered by the assistant registrar of copyright, Denis Birungi, states that Gashumba does not have any claims to the slogan as he did not originate it. The ruling also cites that Gashumba’s use of a silhouette of President Museveni was an adaptation of an image taken in 2019 during the anti-corruption walk, and he did not provide evidence of authorization to use the image.

Furthermore, URSB noted that the works in dispute were of a political nature, intended for mobilization for the President and the National Resistance Movement (NRM). They have become closely associated with the NRM’s campaign messaging and youth supporters. While conclusive evidence of the author of the works was lacking, the ruling deemed it improbable that Gashumba was the original author.

As a result of Hadija Namyalo’s successful objection, Frank Gashumba’s application, as well as the objection by Ibrahim Kitatta, were dismissed. The ruling clarifies copyright issues surrounding this politically significant slogan.

This decision showcases the importance of protecting intellectual property rights while acknowledging the complexities of authorship and creativity in the political arena. It serves as a reminder of the role of copyright laws in safeguarding originality and creative expression.

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