DPP Opposes Minister’s Request for Relaxed Bail Terms

Sandra Ainebyoona.

The State Minister for Finance and Economic Planning, Amos Lugoloobi, faces opposition from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) over his bid to modify his bail conditions. Lugoloobi is currently facing charges related to the alleged diversion of iron sheets intended for the Karamoja Community Empowerment Program.

Amos Lugoloobi, who was charged with dealing with suspect property, particularly 700 pre-painted iron sheets labeled ‘Office of the Prime Minister,’ had been granted cash bail with certain restrictions on his movements within Uganda. He has now filed an application seeking the return of his diplomatic passport, citing the necessity to travel for official purposes.

During the court hearing, Lugoloobi’s legal team argued for the relaxation of his bail terms, pointing to the significance of his formal invitations to various conferences and events, which they claim are crucial for Uganda’s sustainable development goals. They emphasized his commitment to attending trial and fulfilling his responsibilities as a public servant and family obligations.

The prosecution, led by Gloria Izukuru, strongly opposed the application, emphasizing that Lugoloobi’s bail had been granted solely for medical treatment purposes, and it did not encompass regular international travel. They asserted that granting the passport release application would likely overly burden the court, especially considering that other officials could adequately represent Uganda at international events.

The High Court Registrar Lamunu has scheduled the ruling on Lugoloobi’s application for July 28th, 2023. Until then, the legal tussle continues, leaving the Minister’s bail status uncertain.

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