Court Fees: What You Need to Know

Sarah Langa

11th September 2023

Kampala, Uganda – In a press briefing at the Judiciary Headquarters in Kampala High Court, the Chief Registrar, Her Worship Sarah Langa Siu, shed light on the often misunderstood topic of court fees. Her informative session on the 8th of September, 2023, aimed to clarify the essential aspects of court fees, which are an integral part of the legal system in Uganda.

Understanding Court Fees

Court fees are prescribed and mandatory non-refundable sums of money that must be paid at the filing stage of any civil case. These fees are governed by the Judicature (Court Fees Rules) Rules S.I 13-1, which provides a schedule specifying the amounts for different court activities. It’s important to note that court fees are not retained by the court but go to the consolidated fund of the government.

To ensure transparency, a Court Fees Schedule has been availed at every Court Registry, Cash Office, Notice Board, and Information Desk. This schedule helps court users determine the exact amount they need to pay, depending on the nature of their case or the value of their claim.

Payment of Court Fees

All court fees are to be paid to an approved bank as directed by the cashier. In cases where banks are inaccessible, fees can be paid to an authorized court cashier. Upon payment, a receipt is issued to the payee by the cashier, and a copy of this receipt or bank slip must be placed on the court file. The cashier’s stamp, indicating the receipt or bank slip number, must also be endorsed on every relevant document.

It’s worth noting that nearly every civil matter filed in the courts requires payment of court fees. However, parties facing financial hardship can apply for a waiver or variation of fees under the provisions of Order 33 of the Civil Procedure Rules, which deals with suits by individuals without sufficient means to pay the prescribed fees.

Court Services That Are Free

Certain court services are provided to users free of charge, funded by the Judiciary. These include requests for production warrants and administrative matters in criminal cases, visits to the locus in quo, and the service of court processes such as summons and hearing notices.

Inquiries Regarding Court Fees

For inquiries or complaints related to court fees, individuals can approach various offices or individuals, including the Trial Magistrate, the Chief Magistrate, Deputy Registrar, Assistant Registrar, Inspectorate of Courts, or the Chief Registrar.

What You Need to Know

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