Court dismisses Chandi Jamwa’s petition seeking to nullify his conviction.

Kampala, Uganda.

The Constitutional Court has dismissed a petition which sought to challenge the conviction of former National Social Security Fund Managing Director Chandi Jamwa. On 27th June 2023, Court threw out Jamwa’s pleas arguing that his petition did not raise any matters for constitutional interpretation.

Chandi Jamwa through his lawyers of Kampala Associated Advocates had petitioned the Constitutional Court alleging that the Judgments of the High Court, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court convicting him and confirming his conviction on charges of Causing Financial Loss contravened various articles of the Constitution.

In her lead judgment, Justice Catherine Bamugemereire JCC held that none of the issues raised in the petition by Chandi Jamwa called for constitutional interpretation. She, therefore, dismissed the petition but did not order Jamwa to pay costs. The other members of the panel Hon. Justice Stephen Musota, Hon. Justice Christopher Madrama, Hon. Justice Muzamiru Kibeedi, JCC and Hon. Lady Justice lrene Mulyagonja all agreed with Bamugemereeire that the petition lacked merit and should be dismissed.  


In 2008, Chandi Jamwa was charged with Causing Financial Loss and Abuse of Office before the Anti-corruption court. He was acquitted of the offence of Abuse of Office but was, however, found guilty of the offence of Causing Financial Loss. He was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment, and he was also barred from holding any public office for 10 years after completing his custodial sentence.

Chandi Jamwa appealed the conviction and sentence to the Court of Appeal in respect of the offence of Causing Financial Loss. The Inspector General of Government also cross-appealed the Jamwa’s acquittal in respect of the offence of Abuse of office.

ln 2018, the Court of Appeal upheld Jamwa’s conviction and sentence in respect of Causing Financial Loss and entered a conviction against him in respect to the offence of Abuse of Office and sentenced him to 4 years imprisonment to be served concurrently with 12 years sentence of Causing Financial Loss. Jamwa further appealed his convictions and sentences to the Supreme Court which upheld all convictions and sentences against him.

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