Chief Justice Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny-Dollo Presides Over Swearing-In Ceremony for New Judicial Officers

Kerry Howard Mwesigwa.

The Chief Justice of Uganda Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny-Dollo has today presided over the swearing-in ceremony of a fresh cohort of Judicial Officers. The event at the Judiciary headquarters, welcomed 92 newly appointed members to the Lower Bench, including Registrars, Assistant Registrars, and Magistrates Grade I.

Deputy Chief Justice Richard Buteera, Principal Judge Dr Flavian Zeija, Chief Registrar Sarah Langa Siu, and other dignitaries were in attendance. This assembly marks the official induction of these legal professionals into their roles, signifying a commitment to upholding justice, integrity, and the rule of law.

The Chief Registrar Sarah Langa Siu, a guiding voice in the ceremony, delivered an inspiring message to the newly minted Judicial Officers. Her words echoed the essence of the judicial service and its core principles. “You have willingly come to the judiciary service, give it your time and competencies,” she emphasized. Her advice highlighted the significance of respect, both for oneself and for the authority entrusted upon them.

With a candid tone, Chief Registrar Sarah Langa Siu laid out a path for the aspiring officers. “You have a choice on choosing the brand,” she declared, challenging them to either embrace the judiciary’s values and commitment or risk standing outside its revered doors. This profound choice, she implied, would determine their journey within or beyond the realm of the judiciary.

The ceremony celebrated individuals who have exhibited exceptional dedication and competence. Among the newly appointed Acting Assistant Registrars are notable names like Namutebi Christine Kellen, Tumwebaze Kenneth, Nankya Nusulah, Naluyima Rania, and Atigo Hellen. Their inclusion symbolizes the judiciary’s pursuit of excellence and diversity in its ranks.

Magistrates Grade One, an integral part of the Lower Bench, also took center stage. The ceremony highlighted the achievements of individuals such as Rekyeraho Obed, Nagaddya Joanitah, Nassuna Yvonne Grace, Kwagala Winnifred Sarah, Gonzaga Mbalangu, Mukuru Joshua, and Pauline Martha Kamuli. These names represent the embodiment of merit and dedication within the judiciary.

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