Burial Dispute: The Legal Struggle Surrounding Lady Justice Stella Arach-Amoko’s Final Farewell

Kampala, Uganda

The scheduled burial of the late Lady Justice Mary Stella Arach-Amoko has been abruptly postponed, leading to a clash between family members and cultural leaders. The unexpected delay has left her final resting place in question and triggered a heated debate over honoring her expressed wishes.

The Judiciary Chief Registrar, Ms. Sarah Langa Siu has announced the postponement of her Justice Arach’s burial following a decision by some family members to rush to court over a burial grounds dispute. The body of Justice Arach has been returned to the funeral home until a resolution is reached. The conflict revolves around the disagreement between her birth family in Nebbi and her married family in Adjumani regarding her ultimate resting place.

The late Justice Arach-Amoko’s family, represented by ANNETTE YOSSA, KOMAKECH EMMANUEL, and AMONY JACKIE, through their legal representatives, claim that Arach had expressed her wish to be laid to rest at Jukia Hill Ward, Juba Village, Nebbi District. This decision was unanimously agreed upon during a family meeting held shortly after her passing. However, tensions arose when relatives of Ambassador James ldule conveyed differing opinions regarding the burial location in a meeting at the President’s office, contrary to the family’s consensus.

The heart of the matter lies in the family’s determination to honor the final wishes of their beloved late mother, Lady Justice Arach-Amoko. The legal battle centers on whether the court or the family should have the authority to decide her resting place. Evoking Section 98 of the Civil Procedure Act, Cap 71, and Sections 14, 33, and 38 of the Judicature Act, the family has filed an application seeking an order to bury her in Nebbi District, emphasizing the importance of fulfilling her lifelong wish.

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