Bukwo LC5 Chairman Faces Aggravated Defilement and Human Trafficking charges.

Aggravated Defilement

Sandra Ainebyoona.

Kampala, Uganda – In a courtroom at the International Crimes Division of the High Court, Julius Chelimo, the Bukwo LC5 chairman, found himself at the center of grave accusations on September 6th, 2023. Standing before Hon. Justice Andrew Bashaija, Chelimo faced charges of aggravated defilement, aggravated human trafficking, promoting the same heinous crime. These accusations cast a dark shadow over his tenure as a local leader.

The alleged victim in this harrowing case is a 16-year-old girl, who was a student in the Sebei region. The charges against Chelimo paint a troubling picture, accusing him of trafficking this young girl and subjecting her to sexual abuse. Chelimo’s co-accused, Felix Chelimo and Joshua Kwemoi, also share the weight of these serious allegations. All accused individuals have pleaded not guilty to the charges brought against them.

According to the prosecution’s account, Chelimo allegedly developed a sinister interest in the teenager, who was attending Chepkwetsa Primary School in Bukwo District. He enlisted the help of her uncle, Joshua Kwemoi, in his twisted plan. Kwemoi, sadly, played a crucial role in luring the victim into this nightmare, promising her financial gains. It is alleged that the victim was then transported to the residence of Felix Chelimo, another co-accused, where she would come face-to-face with Julius Chelimo. As Kwemoi departed, leaving her in the hands of her tormentor, Chelimo is said to have subjected the young girl to sexual exploitation repeatedly. He used false promises of marriage and the allure of a better life in Kampala as his convincing tools to lure her.

In the pursuit of justice, the prosecution has requested an adjournment to gather crucial evidence. They seek time to present medical examination reports for both the victim and the accused. Furthermore, a medical professional who conducted the examinations will be called as a witness, shedding light on this matter.

The court has adjourned the case to September 22nd, 2023, at 10 am for further proceedings. As this sensitive case unfolds, the pursuit of truth and justice for the victims remains paramount. We will continue to follow the developments in this case closely.


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