Behind the Veil of Faith: Bishop Nkurunziza’s shocking child trafficking dealings.

Kampala, Uganda

Bishop Fiarce Nkurunziza, the religious leader of International Ministries in Nansana, has been convicted and sentenced to eight years in prison for his involvement in child trafficking. The International Crimes Division of the High Court, under the jurisdiction of Justice Andrew Bashaija, found Nkurunziza guilty on multiple counts of aggravated child trafficking and operating an unlicensed children’s home.

The case revolves around the distressing conspiracy orchestrated by Bishop Fiarce Nkurunziza and his co-accused, Charles Ndora, Valens Byukusenge, and Rev. John Nsimiyemana, targeting unsuspecting parents and guardians across western Uganda. Under the guise of providing free education, the accused enticed and lured children to a facility in Nansana Municipality, Wakiso District, despite lacking the necessary license to operate a children’s home. Shockingly, the children were deprived of education while their images were exploited to solicit funds internationally.

The illicit scheme came to the attention of law enforcement on November 19, 2019, following a targeted police operation based on actionable intelligence. Swift action was taken, as officers raided the unauthorized children’s home in Nansana, liberating the children from their traumatic circumstances. Recognizing the vulnerability of these children, immediate steps were taken to provide them with much-needed support and care.

In the face of overwhelming evidence, Bishop Fiarce Nkurunziza pleaded guilty to the charges leveled against him. The International Crimes Division, presided over by Justice Andrew Bashaija, handed down the judgment, imposing an eight-year prison sentence for each count of aggravated child trafficking. Additionally, Nkurunziza received a three-year and seven-month sentence for operating an unlicensed children’s home. It was ruled that these sentences would run concurrently, emphasizing the gravity of the offenses committed.

The culmination of the legal proceedings against Bishop Fiarce Nkurunziza and his accomplices has delivered a resounding message about the severity of child trafficking. This case serves as a stern reminder of the importance of remaining vigilant and proactive in protecting those who are most susceptible to exploitation.

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