Balancing Justice and Tragedy: Man on trial for attempting to kill a Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) officer

Sandra Ainebyoona.

Ogwang Raphael a 23year old is facing charges of illegally entering the protected reserve and attempting to kill Iyet David, a Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) officer. This matter is before Her Worship Gladys Kamasanyu of the Wildlife and Utilities court at Buganda road court.

During the trial, the prosecution presented compelling evidence of the incident. That on the 25th day of May 2023, Ogwang Raphael ventured into the restricted Karuma Wildlife Reserve, where he was intercepted by UWA personnel, leading to a violent altercation in which he allegedly stabbed Inspector Iyet David in the head. The court was presented with coordinates confirming the accused’s presence in the protected area and a GPS report indicating Inspector David’s location during the encounter.

Having admitted to the core facts of the case, the court promptly convicted Ogwang Raphael on the charge of illegal entry into the wildlife reserve. However, the sentencing phase introduced new complexities as both sides presented their arguments.

The prosecution contended that despite the accused being a first-time offender, there has been an alarming rise in cases of illegal entry into wildlife reserves. Such acts endanger not only human lives but also put the lives of park rangers at risk, leading to increased expenditure on compensations and ranger safety measures. As a deterrent, the prosecution sought a five-year custodial sentence for Ogwang Raphael.

The defense, on the other hand, revealed a tragic past event that shed light on the accused’s actions. Three years earlier, Ogwang Raphael’s father had been killed by an elephant that had invaded their home, causing harm and property damage. The family was promised compensation by the Uganda Wildlife Authority, which had not been delivered yet. Presenting a newspaper article from March 5th, 2020, the defense substantiated the claim of the victim’s father’s death due to an elephant attack.

The defense portrayed Ogwang Raphael as a victim of circumstances and the primary provider for his family. Any custodial sentence would place a significant burden on the family’s well-being. Therefore, they urged the court to consider a more lenient punishment.

The matter has been adjourned to the 27th of July 2023 when Her Worship Gladys Kamasanyu will deliver the final ruling, drawing a conclusion to this trial.

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