Australian National Faces Rape and Human Trafficking Charges

Court room

Sandra Ainebyoona.

Kampala, UgandaRob Johns, a foreign national and the Managing Director of Jinja Marine Supplies Co. Ltd, is at the center of a legal storm, facing serious charges of rape and human trafficking before the Jinja Chief Magistrate’s Court.

According to the Police spokesperson, Fred Enanga, Johns is accused of exploiting his female employees, subjecting them to sexual intercourse under coercion. He allegedly used the threat of termination to force these vulnerable women into unimaginable and distressing situations.

Furthermore, the accused is alleged to have engaged in group sexual activities with the female victims, directing them to perform explicit acts using sex toys, all while recording these traumatic events on video. The recovered videos are now serving as crucial evidence in the case. These pornographic materials were created with the sinister intent of being sold on specialized websites for profit, further violating the dignity and privacy of the victims.

Fred Enanga, during the weekly security briefing in Kampala, emphasized the unwavering commitment of the Police and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) to combat human trafficking and sexual abuse. He noted that the case is being treated with utmost seriousness, and the authorities are determined to ensure that justice is served.

Human Trafficking

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