Appeal preceding of Mowzey Radio’s convicted killer hits a snag

Kampala, Uganda – On August 16, 2023, Godfrey Wamala, also known as Troy, appeared before a panel of three Court of Appeal Justices via video conferencing to challenge his 14-year jail term for the manslaughter of renowned Ugandan artiste Moses Ssekibogo, popularly known as Mowzey Radio. The appeal follows his conviction by the then High Court Judge Jane Frances Abodo in October 2019.

During the initial trial, Wamala was convicted of Radio’s manslaughter stemming from a bar brawl in early 2018. Despite the conviction, Justice Abodo emphasized that there was no malice aforethought in Wamala’s actions that led to Radio’s tragic demise. Dissatisfied with the verdict, Wamala, through his legal representatives from Rwakafuuzi & Co. Advocates, filed a notice of appeal in November 2019, indicating his intention to challenge the ruling.

Wamala’s latest appeal hearing, which took place on August 16, 2023, was overseen by a panel of three Court of Appeal Justices, including Deputy Chief Justice Richard Buteera, Justices Irene Mulyagonja, and Monica Mugenyi. The prosecution, led by Joseph Kyomuhendo, urged the court to dismiss Wamala’s appeal on the grounds that he had failed to provide the necessary grounds for his challenge, despite being provided with all relevant court records. Kyomuhendo emphasized that Wamala had not taken any steps toward pursuing his appeal since the initial filing.

However, Wamala countered the prosecution’s request by asserting that the State had not fully disclosed essential evidence, including that of the first prosecution witness. He claimed to have corresponded with the court registrar since 2021 to acquire this missing information, intending to share it with his new lawyers.  

Given the conflicting positions, the trial justices, Deputy Chief Justice Buteera, Justices Mulyagonja, and Mugenyi, opted to adjourn the matter to a subsequent court session for further proceedings. The next phase of the appeal process will determine whether Wamala’s challenge to his conviction and sentence will progress or be dismissed based on the arguments presented by both sides.

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