Reported by Kerry Howard Mwesigwa

The State Minister for Karamoja Affairs in Uganda, Hon. Agnes Nandutu has been produced before the Anti-Corruption Court in Kampala today 19th April on charges of dealing with suspect property contrary to section 21A (1) of the Anti-Corruption Act,2009 (as Amended) before she was committed to High Court for trial.

Hon. Nandutu is accused of misusing government property, specifically 2000 iron sheets intended for needy communities in Karamoja. In the documents presented before the court, the prosecution alleged that 1677 iron sheets were recovered from Hon. Nandutu’s farm. The documents further state that she failed to account for 383 of the 2000 iron sheets received. Nandutu pleaded not guilty to the charges.

The Prosecution led by Chief State Attorney Jonathan Nuwaganya, informed the court that the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Hon. Justice Jane Frances Abodo had instructed that the accused be committed to the High Court for trial. The court then proceeded to commit the accused to the High Court for trial.

The session however took a dramatic turn when the defense counsel attempted to apply for bail, citing unfair treatment and the accused’s medical condition. Sureties were also present in court, but the prosecution objected to the attempt arguing that the Magistrates Court no longer had jurisdiction to grant bail since the accused had already been committed to the High Court. The prosecution argued that it is only the High Court that can grant bail following her committal.

Despite the defence’s spirited arguments, Anti-Corruption Court Grade One Magistrate Her Worship Esther Asiimwe upheld the prosecution’s objection, refused to grant bail and remanded Hon. Nandutu to prison until May 3rd when her case will come up for mention.

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