Accountability of Public Funds: Gulu City Officer Remanded Over PDM Funds

Reported by Kerry Howard Mwesigwa

The Principal Commercial Officer of Gulu City, Mr. Komakech Nickson Atemo, has been arraigned before the Gulu Chief Magistrates to face charges relating to the mismanagement of funds allocated to the Parish Development Model (PDM) contrary to section 115(a) of the Penal Code Act Cap 120. Atemo is being accused of falsifying documents that led to the loss of 8 million shillings from the PDM program.

According to the allegations, Atemo claimed to have conducted trainings for town agents, SACCO leaders, and PDM trainers in 32 wards of Gulu city, for which he had received funds. However, investigations conducted by the Anti-Corruption Unit revealed that no such trainings had taken place, and the money meant for them had been mismanaged.

The investigation into the mismanagement of PDM funds in the Acholi sub-region was initiated following a directive from the President of Uganda, H.E. Kaguta Museveni, in response to an outcry from citizens. Several complaints had been received by the State House Anti-Corruption Unit regarding the implementation of PDM in the area, leading to the investigation and arrest of Atemo.

During his appearance before the His Worship Said Barigye, at Gulu Chief Magistrate Court, Atemo pleaded not guilty to the charges. The state prosecutor, Sarah Amony, requested that the accused be remanded to allow for further investigation into the case. The case against Atemo highlights the need for greater accountability and transparency in the management of public funds. He has been remanded until May 26th, 2023, when he will appear again in court.

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