Shifting the tide behind bars: 74 Prisoners graduate in business courses


15th September 2023.

KAMPALA, Uganda – In a remarkable display of dedication and resilience, 74 inmates have graduated with diplomas in entrepreneurship and small business management from Makerere University Business School (MUBS). The graduation ceremony, held at the Upper Maximum Prison in Luzira, was a celebration of not only academic achievement but also the transformative power of education within the confines of prison walls.

Of the 74 inmates who received their diplomas, 44 earned first-class honors, 27 achieved second-class upper honors, and three attained second-class lower honors. This outstanding accomplishment reflects the inmates’ commitment to their education and personal growth.

Speaking at the ceremony, Dr. Johnson Byabashaija, the Commissioner General of Prisons, emphasized the importance of education for all individuals, including inmates, citing Article 30 of the constitution that grants everyone the right to education.

“The Uganda Vision 2040 considers the provision of education a key element of social transformation,” Minister Gen Kahinda Otafiire stated, commending the Uganda Prisons Service for its efforts in promoting education within the correctional facilities.

Addressing the inmates directly, Minister Gen Kahinda Otafiire encouraged them to use their time in prison to reflect on their lives, take responsibility for their choices, and make efforts to pave the way for a successful life both inside and outside prison.

“Today you have proved that second chances are not deserved but earned,” he said. “Use this opportunity to make amends, to make a positive impact, and contribute to society in meaningful ways.”

Dr. Byabashaija highlighted that education and skills development for inmates are crucial as they enable them to benefit from government programs, such as Operation Wealth Creation and Parish Development Model, aimed at empowering citizens to lead productive lives upon release.

Furthermore, he praised MUBS for its role in training the inmates and assured that educational services would soon be extended to regional prisons across the country, including facilities in Mbale, Mbarara, Gulu, and would also include female inmates.

The principal of Makerere University Business School, Prof. Moses Muhwezi, expressed his institution’s commitment to its corporate social responsibility, emphasizing the belief in affording people second, third, and even fourth chances. He emphasized that prisons serve as centers for correctional services and that education plays a pivotal role in the socio-economic transformation of the country.

Prof. Muhwezi also highlighted the importance of encouraging education to bridge the gap in Uganda’s high dropout rates, ensuring that inmates not only receive grades from MUBS but also acquire skills that can make them employable anywhere in the country.

The graduation ceremony at the Upper Maximum Prison in Luzira was not just a recognition of academic success but a testament to the enduring capacity of individuals to learn, grow, and transform, offering hope, inspiration, and the promise of a brighter future for these inmates and for society as a whole.


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