Reported the Kerry Howard Mwesigwa

Uganda Christian University alumni Akomuhangi Tessie is taking on Uganda Christian University in court for the unauthorized use of her image in their marketing and advertising materials for their academic courses. Tessie claims that the university used her image without her consent, violating her constitutional rights to human dignity, privacy, and personality property rights.

In a plaint filed in court on 11th April 2023, Tessie attached evidence of the breach, including the use of her image in flyers, videos, and other advertising materials without her knowledge or consent. She argues that this has led to people assuming that she is an employee or working in partnership with the university, which is not the case.

As a result, Tessie is seeking several remedies, including a declaration that the university’s use of her image is illegal and unlawful, an order for them to account for all proceeds earned from the unauthorized use, and a payment of 50% of the royalty fees. She is also seeking damages, interest, and costs of the suit.

The case is being heard in the High Court of Uganda at Mukono, with Tessie set to lead and adduce evidence to prove that the university’s actions violated her fundamental rights. The list of witnesses includes Tessie herself, the cameraman, and others with leave of court.

The Defendant University has been served with a summons to file a defence within 15 days; failure to do so may result in the plaintiff proceeding with the suit and judgment being given in its absence. The outcome of this case will be closely watched by many as it could have far-reaching implications on the protection of an individual’s privacy and rights to their own image.

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